There are several podcasts that have interviews as a significant feature (
The Skeptic's Guide to the Universe and
Šimek ’s Nachts to name a couple I listen to regularly) and what I find frequently is that the quality of the podcast very much hinges on the quality of the interviewee. Today this became very clear, when I was thoroughly enjoying Dr. David van Nuys in
Shrinkrapradio again. He was good old Dr. Dave, with good questions, high audio quality and his own pleasant voice and interview skills. What is more, so I find out, he had a good guest:
Mark Blagrove.
What a difference with yesterday, when I listened to the previous podcast Dr. Dave had put out and I was utterly disappointed, but that, also, was with the guest.

In show
#92 - Recent Scientific Studies of Dreaming Dr. Dave does a great job in interviewing Mark Blagrove and Mark shows magnificent skill in explaining all the major questions in the scientific study of dreams.