Podcast 6.1: Introduction to Associations in the Greco-Roman World
In this first episode of the series, I discuss our evidence for associations and guilds in the Greco-Roman world and outline the various types of these groups, including family-based, occupation-based, cultic-based, and ethnic-based groups. This is part of series 6 (Associations in the Greco-Roman World) of the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean podcast.
(review, feed)

Joseph Lelyveld - Great Soul
Joe speaks with Joseph Lelyveld about his book, Great Soul: Mahatma Gandhi and His Struggle with India.
(review, feed)
Mahabharata Podcast
Krishna comes to Town
Episode 51 - Sanjay's mission clearly did not accomplish much, so this time Krishna offers to go to Hastinapur as the Pandavas' chief negotiator. When the Kauravas hear he is coming, Dhrtarastra plans on bribing him, while Duryodhana hopes to imprison him.
(review, feed)
Inspired Minds
Giora Feidman- The King of Klezmer turns 75
Be it in classical, jazz, tango or klezmer, Giora Feidman has developed a unique musical language. Indeed Leonard Bernstein once said "Long live Giora, his clarinet and his music! He builds bridges between generations, cultures and classes and he does it with perfect artistry"
(review, feed)
Fraunhofer Podcast
Weniger Rohstoffe – mehr Gewinn
Die Rohstoff- und Energiekosten steigen rapide an. Längst bestimmen sie maßgeblich den Preis des Endprodukts. Künftig können sich nur Unternehmen auf dem Markt behaupten, die Materialien und Energie effizient nutzen. Neue Technologien und Verfahren helfen, Ressourcen zu sparen.
(review, feed)