Christopher Peacocke discusses the perception of music
In this episode, Christopher Peacocke discusses what it is to hear emotion in music.
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The Evolution of the Individual
Peter Godfrey-Smith is a professor of philosophy at Harvard University and winner of the 2010 Lakatos Award (for his book Darwinian Populations and Natural Selection) will talk about the evolution of the individual.
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Under the Sea
Today Distillations welcomes guest producer Ari Daniel Shapiro, host of the podcast Ocean Gazing, who takes us on a tour of the ocean, revealing how optics can evaluate long-term changes in the oceanic environment and the effects of carbon dioxide on coral reefs.
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Ciencia y Genios
¿Tienen inteligencia las máquinas?. Alan Turing
Alan MathisonTuring (1912 – 1954) es considerado como uno de los fundadores de la ciencia de la computación, fue matemático, filósofo, hábil decodificador, visionario y homosexual. Cuando la informática estaba en pañales, el soñaba con poderosas computadoras capaces de retar al ser humano en aquello que más le enorgullece: su inteligencia.
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