I used to listen to every chapter of
Shrink Rap Radio, but this podcast publishes at least weekly and I manage to squeeze in only a monthly listen. The backlog grows larger and large and as a consequence, the episode I have picked up to review today, stems from a long time ago:
#151 - Relationships in The Workplace (May 2nd, 2008)
Dr. David van Nuys interviews
Bob Murray and Alicia Fortinberry about their work with corporations dealing with good relations at the workplace. The title was originally misinterpreted by me; I thought they would speak about people getting privately involved with one another at the workplace. I was expecting issues of abuse of power and mixed interests, but the issue was much more general: all relationships in the working place. That is, the professional relationships and as a consequence how to make and keep them good. In my own words I'd say, Murray and Fortinberry help companies build a healthy working environment.

They are hired by all sorts of companies, including such consulting giants as PWC. What they seem to propagate sounds like the basis for a truly humane atmosphere at work. What surprises me a bit, is how clear they see the working place easily slides into a nasty jungle of kicking down and kissing up, of office politics and divide and conquer management. I have experienced this myself in a couple of working environments and I hear most of my acquaintances complain about it. So what is happening here? Are we all naggers, or do so few companies really listen to the likes of Murray and Fortinberry and implement what they teach?
As usual a great and interesting podcast by Dr. Dave. Check out his
site, there are hundreds of splendid others to be found.
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