A Changing Cuba
Back from a recent trip to Cuba, Michael Krasny hosts a discussion about the changes afoot on the island nation. He is joined by his tour leader from the San Francisco Jewish Community Center and other experts, who will talk about the shift in Cuba's geopolitics and dynamism within its own borders.
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Katrina and Communist Memories
What impact did Hurricane Katrina have on family break up in New Orleans? Laurie speaks to Michael Rendall. Also how have the former communist countries of Eastern Europe deal with the memories of their history? James Mark and Jovan Byford discuss.
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The Bitterest Pill
I Wanna Be a Car Wash Mogul
I don’t like talking about money, but I do like listening about money, and if I listen too much about money, eventually I’m gonna have to talk about it, right? I reveal my no-longer-secret desire to be a wealthy man, we discuss neighborhood safety, the University of Texas in Austin findings about stay-at-home dads (SHOCKING!), and I read two passages from my former (future?) book project: “How to Meet Any Woman You Want” and “A Letter from Another Father about His Einstein Baby.”
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In Our Time
The Battle of Stamford Bridge
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the Battle of Stamford Bridge. In the first week of 1066 the English king, Edward the Confessor, died. A young nobleman, Harold Godwinson, claimed that Edward had nominated him his successor, and seized the throne. But he was not the only claimant: in France the powerful Duke of Normandy, William, believed that he was the rightful king, and prepared to invade England. As William amassed his forces on the other side of the Channel, however, an army led by the Norwegian king Harald Hardrada invaded from the North Sea. Harold quickly marched north and confronted the Norsemen, whose leaders included his own brother Tostig. The English won an emphatic victory; but barely three weeks later Harold was dead, killed at Hastings, and the Norman Conquest had begun.
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