/43/ Flying the Space Shuttle
In this episode we talk with Duane “Digger” Carey about flying the US Space Shuttle. We cover all the major phases of a shuttle flight (countdown, launch, orbit insertion, on orbit, breaking, reentry and landing) and discuss the activities of the pilot and commander. We also cover briefly some of the Shuttle’s systems. We conclude the episode with a brief look at Shuttle pilot and commander training.
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Kip Kosek, “Acts of Conscience: Christian Nonviolence and Modern American Democracy”
There’s a quip that goes “Christianity is probably a great religion. Someone should really try it.” The implication, of course, is that most people who call themselves Christians aren’t very Christian at all.
(review, feed)
Big Ideas (TVO)
Gerard t'Hooft on Science Fiction and Reality
Gerard t'Hooft, a Nobel Laureate from Utrecht University, delivers a lecture on Science Fiction and Reality at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario on May 7, 2008
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Philosophy Bites
Cynthia Freeland on Portraits
What is a portrait? What can it reveal? Cynthia Freeland explores the nature of portraits in this interview with Nigel Warburton for the Philosophy Bites podcast. Philosophy Bites is made in association with the Institute of Philosophy. A book, Philosophy Bites, based on 25 interviews, is now available from Oxford University Press.
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Veertien Achttien
Annie Besant en de unie van harten
Met een geschiedenis als stakingsleidster en een overtuiging als theosofe stort de Britse Annie Besant zich in de Grote Oorlog op het India's nationalisme. Het imperiale gezag van de Raj gaat Besant interneren, maar moet haar na demonstraties al snel weer vrijlaten. In de jaren daarna mist ze de aansluiting met Gandhi.
(review, feed)
Schlaflos in München
Salat, Gedanken und nochmal Salat
Heute mal live aus der Küche - ganz ohne Kochshow. Also lauter aufdrehen!
(review, feed)