Every first of the month I publish a full list of podcasts I have reviewed. You can find the list below. If however you want to have them presented to you in a more orderly fashion, look up my list of directories. The disclaimer must be that the directories are not as up to date as the full list is. I am working on it.
Participate in the Anne is a Man - support the blog campaign. At least 18 people from Ireland, Canada, USA, Sweden, UAE, Israel, Greece, Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands and New Zealand already did.
- 12 Byzantine Rulers
- 7th Son
- Africa (Stanford Travel)
- Africa Past and Present
- All Things Medieval
- American Environmental and Cultural History (Berkeley ESPM 160AC)
- American History before 1870
- Ancient and Medieval Podcast
- Ancient History - Alternative Theories
- Ancient Philosophy (Berkeley)
- Are we alone?
- Armistice Podcast
- Backstory
- BBC History Magazine
- Behind the Black Mask
- Behind the News with Doug Henwood
- Beyond Good and Evil (Librivox)
- Big Ideas (TVO)
- Bike Radar
- Binge Thinking History
- Bioethics podcast
- Biography Podcast (Learn Out Loud)
- the Biography Show (TPN)
- Biota Podcast
- Birth of the Modern (Arizona State University)
- the Bitterest Pill
- Bommel Hoorspel
- British History 101
- Cambridge Alumni Podcast
- Car Talk
- CAT 2 Culture Art and Technology (UCSD)
- CATS 2 Culture and Technology Studies (UCSD)
- Celtic Myth Podshow
- CFR Podcast
- Chronicles Radio Dispatches
- Church History
- Dan Carlin's Common Sense
- Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
- Das Rätsel der verschollenen Schatulle
- David Kalivas' World History
- De Geschiedenis Podcast
- Distillations
- East Asian Thought (UCSD)
- Economics 100B (Berkeley)
- the Economist
- EconTalk
- Engines of our Ingenuity
- English 117S (Berkeley)
- Entitled opinions
- The Ethicist (NYT)
- Everything Lincoln
- Existentialism in Literature and Film (Phil 7 - Berkeley)
- Exploring Environmental History
- F1Cast
- Fact or Fiction
- Family History - Genealogy made easy
- Forgotten Classics
- Frankenstein, or modern Prometheus (Librivox)
- Freedomain Radio
- Fresh Air (NPR)
- From Israelite to Jew
- From our own Correspondent (BBC)
- Game Theory (Yale)
- Genealogy Gems Podcast
- Geography 110C (Berkeley) Economic Geography of the Industrial World
- Geography 130 (Berkeley)
- Geography of Europe (Arizona State University)
- Geography of World Cultures (Stanford)
- German Cultural History
- Geschichtspodcast (Chronico)
- Geschiedewistjedatjes
- Global Geopolitics (Stanford)
- Grammar Girl
- Hank's History Hour
- Hannibal (Stanford)
- Haring Podcast
- Harvard Business IdeaCast
- Historical Jesus (Stanford)
- Historicast
- History 106B (Berkeley)
- History 167B (Berkeley)
- History 181B (Berkeley)
- History 2311 (Temple College)
- History 2312 (Temple College)
- History 4A (Berkeley)
- History 5 (Anderson - Berkeley)
- History 5 (Hesse- Berkeley)
- History 5 (Laqueur - Berkeley)
- History 7B (Berkeley)
- History according to Bob
- History Compass Blog
- History Network
- History of Holland (Librivox)
- History of Rome
- History of the International System (Stanford)
- History on the Run
- History Podcast
- Historypod
- Historyzine
- Hoor! Geschiedenis
- HUM 4 - Enlightenment, Romanticism, Revolution (UCSD)
- ICT Update
- In My Living Room!
- In Our Time (BBC)
- In the Media (WNYC)
- Inspired Minds (Deutsche Welle)
- Interview Vrijdag (VPRO)
- Introduction to Ancient Greek History (Yale)
- Introduction to German Politics (Oxford)
- Introduction to Language (Arizona State University)
- Introduction to the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) (Yale)
- Iran Podcast
- Irving Poetry podcast
- Jung Podcast
- Junggesellenblog
- La Resistance
- KQED Forum
- Language (UCSD)
- Leben und Überleben mit 45+
- Letters and Science (Berkeley)
- LSE Podcast
- Making History with Ran Levi - עושים היסטוריה
- Marathon Interview (VPRO)
- Matt's Today In History
- Media Matters (NPR)
- medicalhistory
- Medieval & Renaissance Studies Events (Virginia Tech)
- Medieval Podcast
- Meetings Podcast
- Meiky's Podcast Show
- The Memory Palace
- Midwest Writer
- Military History Podcast
- Missing Link
- MMW 2 , the great classical traditions (Chamberlain - UCSD)
- MMW 3, the medieval heritage (Chamberlain - UCSD)
- MMW 3, the medieval heritage (Herbst - UCSD)
- MMW 4 (UCSD)
- Muscular Judaism
- My Three Shrinks
- Namaste Stories
- Napoleon 1O1 (TPN)
- National Archives Podcast
- Naxos Classical Music Spotlight Podcast
- New Books In History
- New World Orders
- New York Coffee Cup
- Night's Knights
- Nilpod
- Nonviolence (Berkeley PACS 164A)
- Nonviolence today (Berkeley PACS 164B)
- Only in America
- Open Source
- Out of the past
- Oxford Biographies
- Oy Mendele!
- Parnell's History Podcast
- Peopletalk's Podcast
- Physics for future Presidents (Berkeley)
- Philosopher's Zone (ABC)
- Philosophy 103
- Philosophy 7 (Berkeley)
- Philosophy Bites
- the Philosophy Podcast
- Philosopy 6 (Berkeley) Man, God, and Society in Western Literature
- Podcast history of cooking
- Podcasts on Medieval Texts (Virginia Tech)
- Pods and Blogs
- Podwatch
- POLI 120A - Political Development of Western Europe
- Political Science 10 (UCLA)
- Political Science 179 (Berkeley)
- Politics and Warfare (UCSD)
- Pope Podcast
- Practice of Art (Berkeley) Foundations of American Cyber-Culture
- Prosperity show
- PSYC 105 - Introduction cognitive psychology (UCSD)
- Radiolab (WNYC)
- Rav Dovid's
- Real Talk
- Rear Vision (ABC)
- Red Panda
- Redborne History
- Religion and Law in the US (UCSD HIUS 155A)
- Religion and Law in the US (UCSD HIUS 155B)
- Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean
- Replaceable You (Stanford)
- Rhetoric 10 (Berkeley)
- Rpgmp3
- RSA Current Audio
- Schlaflos in München
- Science & the City
- Science Fiction and Politics
- Science Friday (NPR)
- Science Times (NYT)
- Sex History Podcast
- Shrink Rap Radio
- Šimek 's Nachts (RVU)
- the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe
- Skythen-Podcast
- SOCD 188J - Change in Modern South Africa (UCSD)
- Social Innovation Conversations
- SOCL 1B - the study of society (UCSD)
- Sonic Society
- Speaking of Faith (APM)
- Stanford U History
- Stem Cells: Policy and Ethics (Stanford)
- Sterke Geschiedenis
- Straight talk about stem cells (Stanford)
- Stuff you missed in history class
- Sunday Sundown
- Talking Robots
- TdF London
- Teaching American History
- Teaching Company
- TED Talks
- That Podcast Show (aka Edgy Reviews)
- Theories of Law and Society (Berkeley)
- the Things We Forgot To Remember
- Thinking Allowed
- Time Out for Truth
- Times Talks
- Tudorcast
- UCLA Israel Studies
- University Channel Podcast (aka UChannel Podcast)
- Veertien Achttien
- VIS 22 - Formations of Modern Art (UCSD)
- Volkis Stimme
- Volkskrant Podcasts
- We the People Stories
- Welcome to Mars
- What is Judaism?
- Wise Counsel
- the Word Nerds
- World View (NYT)
- the Writing Show
- Wynyfryd's meditation room
- the Your History Podcast
- Your Purpose Centered Life
- zencast
- zoem
- האוניברסיטה המשודרת
- מה שהיה היה
- קטעים בהיסטוריה

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I love to get new podcast recommendations. You can let your preferences know by commenting on the blog or sending mail to Anne is a Man at: Anne Frid de Vries (in one word) AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk
Connect with Anne is a Man on:
The Podcast Parlor.