Writing Young Adult Fiction
With aspiring YA author Leigh T. Moore
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Face Time
If the eyes are the window to the soul, what would you call the face? The philosopher Wittgenstein called it “the soul of the body.” You can put your best face forward, face the music, put your game-face on. Somehow or other, whatever version of you that you bring to the outside world, is revealed on your face. Mary Hynes speaks to Jonathan Goldstein, Robin Ghivan, Oliver Sacks and Judith Harris.
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Wanhoffs Wunderbare Welt der Wissenschaft
Sonnenbrand bei Walen und Hundebisse bei Kindern
Sonnenbrand bei Walen; Hunde beißen unbeaufsichtige Kinder, die sie “drangsalieren”; Was läßt Venusfliegenfalle zuklappen? Naturansatz bei Krebsmittel; Krebsmedikamnet aus Tabakpflanzen; Ultraschall schafft Genauigkeit bei Krebstherapie.
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