Hi Anne,
I love what you do, could you please review my show called
The Rewind Podcast
The Rewind Podcast brings you music from new and unsigned artists from around the world, Interviews with special guests and plenty of fun and laughs along the way. Play, Pause, Rewind!

Hey Anne!
How are you?
I'm really excited to tell you that the podcast I was talking about is finally launched.
We've got some action going on,
on twitter. You should join it if you like the podcast :)
Hi there!
My name is Anna and I work for
R&R World, an online music community for unsigned artists, as well as artists signed to small independents. R&R World provides numerous tools and resources for our members to use, all for free. Our music community includes numerous interesting and free tools for selling and buying music, creating merchandise, organizing and promoting gigs, and interaction between artists, music lovers, and music industry pro's.
We decided to create a weekly podcast to highlight the best and most popular music on R&R World. The podcast, known as ArenaCast, is not only about listening to music - it also provides recent news about the R&R World community and information on the bands featured in each episode. We also include tips from music industry professionals and veterans to give the listeners a unique insight into the world of the music industry.
We would be grateful to have you review our podcast, as we are sure you will be impressed with it - Arenacast
http://randrworld.com/podcast.php . The first episode aired in January of this year, and we now have more than 3000 subscribers. ArenaCast was created not only to help promote the music of our members, but to also introduce the listeners to new music of various genres from all over the world.
We are familiar with your work and we'd really appreciate your opinion, and hopefully promotion of our podcast! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi - it's not exactly history or soccer, but we'd love to see a review of our little dog and pony show,
Flash Pulp: http://skinner.fm/category/flash-pulp/
We try to pay homage to the pulp stories of the '30s and '40s, three times weekly. Even if you don't do a review, we appreciate the consideration!
JRD Skinner
I would like to submit my podcast for review.
Shut Up Tim!: A Podcast By Robby
it is a weekly podcast, we have been doing for over a year now and we start with pop culture end with a game and in between your guess is as good as mine.
i appreciate your opinions.