Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The history of the American Revolution

Here is a very thorough and conscientious podcast: History of the American Revolution (feed) Here the presenter, Kurtis Ford, retells the American history in quite extensive detail and with great narrative power. In addition he brings the history alive with reflections and overt interpretations.

When you decide to pick up this podcast, be aware that the series starts with chapter 4. It is said that Kurtis Ford has removed the first three episodes because he was not satisfied with the quality. At some point the may be redone and posted again.

The audio quality is indeed of amateur quality, so to say, but the offered material ranks with the best of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gave it an honest try. The subject matter is of great interest. But his delivery and his pontificating with no support for his blanket statements grew tiresome.