Carola van Alphen is niet schizofreen, zo leren we bij Simek 's Nachts, ze lijdt aan schizofrenie. Je bent ook niet een gebroken been, je hebt een gebroken been. Ze vertelt hoe het is om te leven met de stemmen in haar hoofd, hoe ze eraan gekomen is en hoe ze met behulp van medicijnen en begeleid wonen leeft. En een vriend heeft. En een boek geschreven heeft.
Niet alle stemmen die ze hoort zijn lelijk of naar, sommige zijn ook lief. Toen ze voor het eerst last kreeg van schizofrenie, wilde ze van die lieve stemmen geen afstand doen. Over wat er gebeurde dat aanleiding was voor die eerste psychose, wil ze liever niet praten. Martin Simek, die normal heel delicaat is, wil de details toch horen en dringt op brute wijze aan, zodat Carola haast stilvalt. En vervolgens hij ook, bijna. Rekende hij erop dat hij dat verhaal wel te horen zou krijgen? Of was hij zijn concentratie helemaal kwijt?
Het duurt even voordat het gesprek weer op de rails staat, maar dan is het weer een ouderwetse, geslaagde Simek 's Nachts. Een van de regels met betrekking tot de omgang met schizofrenie patienten is volgens Carola: Je mag geen druk zetten. 'Dat deed je toch, toen je naar de eerste psychose vroeg.' Zo komt de uitglijder terug en Simek is groot genoeg om zijn fout te erkennen.
Ooit interviewde hij Rita Verdonk en ging op dezelfde manier onderuit, maar nog veel erger. Maar Rita Verdonk is geen schizofrenie patiente, naar ik meen, dus die mag je wel pushen. En toen Simek groot genoeg was, om ook toen zijn fout toe te geven, had mevrouw Verdonk hetzelfde mogen doen. Want dat Carola van Alphen niet over haar trauma wil praten kan ik billijken, maar waarom zou een politica in een interviewprogramma waar ze uit vrije wil komt, ontwijkend mogen zijn? De hele uitzending met Verdonk is even tenenkrommend als dat ene moment met Carola van Alphen. De RVU heeft hem dan ook van haar site en uit de podcast feed gehaald. Maar ik bewaar die mp3 als een kleine getuige.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Skeptics and Legality - SGU #99
Slowly I have been recovering from my dip regarding The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe podcast. A couple of months ago I was a great fan of SGU and made a considerable effort to backtrack all previous issues and at some point, I gather, I got a little too much of it. So I left the cast for some time and now I am back to listening on a weekly basis, keeping track of the newest episodes, leaving the backlog untouched.
Finally, this week, I was thrilled again. More significantly, I was thrilled during the panel section, not just during the interview, which is the more usual highlight. The discussion on news items, stopped on two subjects that not only are important, but were also exciting and for me, thought provoking. They both touched law, now that's a chuckle.
If I were to write about a certain quack that he is a quack, about his quackery to be quackery and his sectarian faith to be a sectarian faith, I might as well the be threatened with a law suit. Mostly if this comes to litigation I am likely to win, but SGU points out that the threat of legal action is used as a weapon. And cases are discussed where this succeeds. This reminds me of a former colleague of mine who wrote her dissertation about the collision between freedom of speech and slander. She found, if I recall correctly, that the court had more or less resolved this by grappling onto 'truth'. Whatever could be shown as truth, can not be slander and whatever is untrue, is easily presumed to be libel, hence forbidden. Show host Steven Novella (photo) would probably like such an approach and his concern is mainly with the issue of who is to prove. He makes a point against, alleged UK legal practice, where the accused of slander, must prove to have spoken truthfully. That is indeed unjust, but still, making law subject to material truth, seems like a sub-optimal legal solution to me.
Material truth is also at stake in the next issue of science and legality. The SGU panel voice their concern that class action suits can be decided in favor of plaintiffs even when there is no scientific evidence for causality. Specifically, litigation on the issue of vaccines that may have caused autism, may succeed even while there is no scientific evidence to that effect (if at all, to the contrary). Indeed, causation for the law, would be stretched incomprehensibly if it were detached altogether from factual causation. Still, if scientific causality were to define causation for the law, hardly any case could be decided. Panel member Perry voices hope for a wise judge. Indeed Perry.
Finally, this week, I was thrilled again. More significantly, I was thrilled during the panel section, not just during the interview, which is the more usual highlight. The discussion on news items, stopped on two subjects that not only are important, but were also exciting and for me, thought provoking. They both touched law, now that's a chuckle.
If I were to write about a certain quack that he is a quack, about his quackery to be quackery and his sectarian faith to be a sectarian faith, I might as well the be threatened with a law suit. Mostly if this comes to litigation I am likely to win, but SGU points out that the threat of legal action is used as a weapon. And cases are discussed where this succeeds. This reminds me of a former colleague of mine who wrote her dissertation about the collision between freedom of speech and slander. She found, if I recall correctly, that the court had more or less resolved this by grappling onto 'truth'. Whatever could be shown as truth, can not be slander and whatever is untrue, is easily presumed to be libel, hence forbidden. Show host Steven Novella (photo) would probably like such an approach and his concern is mainly with the issue of who is to prove. He makes a point against, alleged UK legal practice, where the accused of slander, must prove to have spoken truthfully. That is indeed unjust, but still, making law subject to material truth, seems like a sub-optimal legal solution to me.
Material truth is also at stake in the next issue of science and legality. The SGU panel voice their concern that class action suits can be decided in favor of plaintiffs even when there is no scientific evidence for causality. Specifically, litigation on the issue of vaccines that may have caused autism, may succeed even while there is no scientific evidence to that effect (if at all, to the contrary). Indeed, causation for the law, would be stretched incomprehensibly if it were detached altogether from factual causation. Still, if scientific causality were to define causation for the law, hardly any case could be decided. Panel member Perry voices hope for a wise judge. Indeed Perry.
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