Joseph Lelyveld on Gandhi
Joseph Lelyveld's new biography of Mahatma Gandhi, "Great Soul," has sparked controversy from India to California. For some, it has raised questions about Gandhi's sexual orientation. The Pulitzer Prize-winning author and former New York Times executive editor joins Michael Krasny to discuss his book, and the debate that swirls around it.
(review, feed)
For more podcast issues on this subject see Joseph Lelyveld about Gandhi on Anne is a Man
The Neutrino
Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the neutrino, the so-called 'ghost particle'. With Frank Close, Susan Cartwright and David Wark.
(review, feed)
Documentary on One
Hidden Heroes of the Belfast Blitz
70 yrs ago, on Apr 15th 1941, Germany rained down bombs on Belfast - part of their WW2 offensive on Britain. The hidden story of that night is how the Republic of Ireland put its neutrality at risk by sending its firemen to help their northern brethern.
(review, feed)
Leonard Lopate Show
The Eichmann Trial
Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies at Emory University, talks about the capture of SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann by Israeli agents in Argentina in May of 1960, and how his subsequent trial in Jerusalem by an Israeli court electrified the world and sparked a public debate on where, how, and by whom Nazi war criminals should be brought to justice. The Eichmann Trial gives an overview of the trial and analyzes the dramatic effect that the survivors’ courtroom testimony had on the world.
(review, feed)
Fresh Air
Tina Fey Reveals All (And Then Some) In 'Bossypants'
Story: Tina Fey's new memoir Bossypants contains her thoughts on juggling motherhood, acting, writing and executive producing 30 Rock. Fey joins Fresh Air's Terry Gross for a wide-ranging conversation about her years in comedy, her childhood and her 2008 portrayal of Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live.
(review, feed)