As a new year resolution, I returned to the Skeptics and gave them another run. Last week I dropped out, but this week I stayed on. Befitting the new year, there was the subject of 2007 predictions. What had the psychics in store for 2007 and how well did they do. The panel can't come up with one successful prediction apart from someone who has been predicting Anna Nicole Smith's death ever since 2003 and finally in 2007 got it right.
Even though personally I can't put up with this podcast time and again, generally it is a good recommendation. I think SGU is among the science podcasts with the widest audience and probably the most successful skeptical podcast in the world. Where I am put off by too much eager to please banter, the formula proves to be catching for a wide audience and that is exactly what skepticism needs. Kudos to SGU, even if I do not listen.
Previously on SGU:
In memoriam: Perry DeAngelis,
Barry Glassner,
Interview with Jimmy Carter,
Brian Trent,
Scott Lilienfield.
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