Even if you are more than casually interested in history and trying to get the general narrative of western history right, you run the risk of missing out on a hugely important player The Byzantine Empire. Historian Gibbon wrote off Byzantium as the eastern remnant of the Roman empire and left the idea that it was eternally in decline. One thousand years of decline - 476 to 1453 CE. Yet, even if it were eternally in decline, The Byzantine Empire was the bridge for backward Europe to the East and the buffer between vulnerable Europe and the Muslim expansion.

In the world of podcast the sole broadcaster of Byzantine history was podcasting veteran Lars Brownworth with the legendary
12 Byzantine Rulers. A formidable new addition, will be now UCSD's history lecture series by Matthew Herbst
HIEU 104 - Byzantine Empire (
feed). So far, three lectures have been added to the series and they look very good. Herbst uses his own style in retelling the story of Byzantium, covering the same material as Brownworth. In comparison, Brownworth is shorter, delivering a pleasantly crafted monologue; Herbst is obviously lecturing, but also more extensive. Herbst gives more explanation for example on the complicated theological issues that color the political landscape of Byzantium, such as Arianism and Nestorianism.
In the end, as the fate of UCSD lectures is, the podcast will last until the end of the semester and then be cast away - be sure to download them all before the end. Also, the lectures suffer from the usual UCSD automatic recordings, they quit before the end and they might start too early, too late and have silences. In addition the lectures are recorded at a very low volume. Use
MP3gain to increase the level. (The level is around 77db and I have cranked it up to 100db which gave a bit of distortion. Next time I'll try 90dB).
Byzantine Culture on Entitled Opinions,
Sources (12 Byzantine Rulers),
Byzantine Conclusion (12 Byzantine Rulers),
The Byzantine Empire on Podcast (12 Byzantine Rulers),
Byzantine Podcast (12 Byzantine Rulers).