Beauty Will Save the World
While imprisoned in the Soviet gulag, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn would compose speeches expressing the cruelty he suffered. However in 1970, upon receiving the Nobel Prize he simply said: "Beauty Will Save the World!" CBC producer Frank Faulk explores this provocative statement.
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Harry Kuitert
Er moet toch Iets zijn… Ethicus en theoloog Kuitert dacht na over de mens, het geloof, de kerk en het ietsisme. Daarmee opende de zomerreeks van het Marathoninterview in 1993. Piekeraar Ger Jochems sprak met Harry Kuitert.
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SFFaudio Podcast
The SFFaudio Podcast #074 - Jesse and Scott talk about the recently arrived audiobooks with assistance and commentary by Luke Burrage
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Kling on Knowledge, Power, and Unchecked and Unbalanced
Arnold Kling of EconLog and author of Unchecked and Unbalanced, talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the book and the relationship between knowledge and power. In a modern economy, specialization has increased and knowledge is increasingly dispersed. But political power has become more concentrated and fails to exploit the potential for decentralization. Kling discusses these trends and the potential for decentralization of power under different policies.
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