The Internet of Elsewhere
This week Jamillah chats with Cyrus Farivar, author of The Internet of Elsewhere. Can culture change the way people approach the web?
(review, feed)
Pakistan: A Hard Country
In this talk on the subject of his new book, Pakistan: A Hard Country, Professor Anatol Lieven will analyse the Pakistani state and political system, and explain how those factors which give the state its surprising resilience in the face of revolution also hold it back in terms of economic and social development. Professor Anatol Lieven is chair of international relations and terrorism studies at King's College London, and a senior fellow of the New America Foundation in Washington DC. He was previously a journalist, who reported from South Asia, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe for The Times and other publications. His books include Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power, America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism and, with John Hulsman, Ethical Realism: A Vision for America's Role in the World. This event celebrates Professor Lieven's new book Pakistan: A Hard Country.
(review, feed)