Friday, October 3, 2008

Upcoming on Anne is a Man

I haven't done this in a long time: projecting what is to be expected on this blog in the coming days. But here goes. The following podcasts will be reviewed soon.

The Making of the Modern World series proceeds beyond the early Middle Ages with Professor Matthew Herbst on the helm. We will be talking about history between 1200 and 1750. Be aware, this is UCSD, soon the feed will be taken off line again. If you intend to try, download while you can.

Big Ideas (TV Ontario)
In the past weeks the podcast feed has been filled with a couple of good lectures. Notably: Mark Kingwell on intellectualism and Benjamin Barber on the cultural effect of market economy.

Philosophy Bites
A whole list of issues are in my backlog for reviewing. Socrates, Kant and two issues on Nietzsche.

Philosophy 7 (Berkeley)
When taking on Nietzsche, I'll undoubtedly mention Hubert Dreyfus's lectures on existentialism.

Philosophy 6 (Berkeley)
And while we are at Hubert Dreyfus, we'll be touching upon his Heidegger quest as well.

Almost certainly we will have some reviews of the regulars: Veertien Achttien, In Our Time, UChannel and possibly Shrink Rap Radio

This load will keep you going into next week, so while we are looking ahead, I'll also mention that on 15 October we will have the international, web-wide Blog Action Day. This year the day is about poverty and I will rerun some six podcast reviews concerning poverty.

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I love to get new podcast recommendations. You can let your preferences  know by commenting on the blog or sending mail to The Man Called Anne at: Anne Frid de Vries (in one word) AT yahoo DOT co DOT uk.

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