Sunday, November 9, 2008

Max Planck - Making History podcast review

The amazing quality of Ran Levy in his podcast Making History with Ran Levi (עושים היסטוריה) is that he is capable of combining several crucial elements in his retelling of history. For one, since his topic is always related to science, he has to explain the science. Next, since he wants to tell the story, he has to take in the narrative, with all the historical context, which expands beyond science, most of the time. Third, he always introduces the humane side of the story.

This we have seen in previous stories about Darwin and Newton for example. In his last podcast he turns to the important physicist Max Planck. Here is a story of a careful, conservative who by chance causes revolution in the world of science and what is more, endures hardship and deception in his personal life.

In a stunning performance Ran Levi incorporates within the history of Max Planck, both the necessary explanations of quantum theory as well as the chronology of events replete with the details of Planck's private life. The contrast between in the scientific importance of his work, the relative success in physics and the tragedy of Planck's family life are put to work in one coherent story. A great history podcast, once again.

Ran Levy has begun a project aiming to deliver his podcast not only in Hebrew, but also in English. With proper translation and reading, that project should turn into a great success.

Isaac Newton,
Making History with Ran Levy - Hebrew Review

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