Sunday, December 27, 2009

My son is 5 years old

Yesterday, Jonathan, my youngest son turned 5. It marked the end of a week of birthday celebrations - each celebration in its own group of relevant others. It added to the preceding week of Hanukkah yet another festive week.

It was a delicate pleasure to see him enjoy his birthday and being the center of attention.


רן לוי said...

Mazal Tov! :-)

Anne the Man said...

Maybe I'll post a chanuka picture as well...

Anonymous said...

Anne, he sort of reminds me of a young chess player I met once in Holland. What a splendid youngster! Semper Pax, John

Anne the Man said...

Thanks John, your reaction encourages me to post the chanuka picture that features both my sons - just like Ran's reaction above.