Saturday, September 11, 2010

Armenian History - Nina G. Garsoian

As I wrote before I am tremendously enjoying Professor Richard Bulliet's 2008 course on the history of Iran at Columbia university. While at it, I was motivated though, to make a side step and search the realms of podcast in search for some of the names and places he brings up that I would love to find out more about.

For example about the Armenians. I could not find any podcast dedicated to Armenian History and I know of very few general podcasts that have given ample attention. One interesting lecture I found in a vodcast from the Metropolitan Museum of Art - Medieval Art. The museum acquired an Armenian stone cross (Armenian Khatchkar) on loan and for the occasion invited historian Nina G. Garsoïan to speak about Armenian Medieval History. (iTunesU feed) In spite of the fact that this is video, there is absolutely nothing you miss out if you merely listen to it.

Garsoïan takes on the lecture with a very ambitious goal. She sets out to do something other than outline the bloom period of Armenia in the Middle Ages, but rather embark on an analysis of the various rises and falls of Armenia and try to explain why it is that the Armenian culture has survived when most of history there was no geographic or political integrity that could be called Armenia. In her words: how could the Armenians survive as a people without a land? And this reaches to the heart of Armenian History, the culture and an explanation for its resilience. The paradoxical thing is that the Armenians rather by division than by unity seem to stand.

History of the Parthians,
History of Iran,
A tip from Baxter Wood,
Iran today,
Iran in 2009.


William B Chalfant said...

I am writing a history specifically about those called Dynamic Monarchians, attempting to find connections with Armenian Thonrakians and their document the Key of Truth. I wish to read more of Prof Garsoian's works but they are very, very difficult to find at least on the internet. She is an authority that I had heard about years ago.

Gnel said...

For those who are interested, there now is a podcast series on Armenian history. It is on soundcloud and called "History of Armenia" They also have a Facebook page called History of Armenia; Podcast Series