Guest Speaker: Aaron Elster
Aaron Elster is a child survivor of the Holocaust. He was born in 1933 in the small northeastern village of Sokolow, Podlaski in Poland. Aaron lived in the Sokolow Ghetto with his two sisters, mother and father until the liquidation of the ghetto in September, 1942. He escaped the liquidation and hid in the surrounding forests and farms. Eventually, Aaron found refuge in the attic of a Polish family, where he hid for two years until the war's end.
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Walter Olson, “Schools for Misrule: Legal Academia and an Overlawyered America”
What kind of education are students at top American law schools getting? And how does that education influence their activities upon graduation? In Walter Olson’s Schools for Misrule: Legal Academia and an Overlawyered America (Encounter Books, 2011), the author, an economist and not a lawyer, looks at what is happening at our nation’s elite law schools, and its implications for citizens, businesses, and taxpayers. Olson, a Senior Fellow at the CATO Institute, describes what he calls the consensus view of law school faculties, and how hard it is for law students to find alternative points of view. He describes how the litigation explosion’s origins stem from the views of one influential professor, and the costs that this “American disease” imposes on our economy. In addition, he describes some revealing conflicts between trial lawyers and their allies that reveal the financial incentives motivating the testimony of certain scholars in favor of costly and often frivolous lawsuits. Read all about it, and more, in Olson’s penetrating new book.
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The History of Rome
Let This Be Our Final Battle
War between Licinius and Constantine flared up again in 324 AD. This time Constantine would finish the job.
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Paradigms - May 1, 2011
Diane Wilson talks about what's happening in the Gulf of Mexico, British Petroleum, and her new bookDiary of an Eco-Outlaw. Heidi Stevenson talks about new restrictions in the EU regarding access to herbal remedies. Deb Reich talks about her new book No More Enemies.
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Het Marathoninterview
Theun de Vries, Spinozist
Op vrijdag 13 juli 2001 praatte Geert Mak met de winnaar van de P.C. Hooftprijs en de verzetsprijs; de schrijver Theun de Vries (1907-2005). Hij vertelde over zijn jeugd, de politiek, de oorlog en romans uitdokteren.
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