For apparent reasons of bandwidth, the history courses from Gretchen Reilly (Temple College) are not available throughout the year. These courses are, however, very popular among podcast listeners and so here is a heads-up that the courses US History before 1870 and since 1877 are back up.
(review before 1870, feed // review since 1877, feed)
The History of Rome
The Road to Constantinople
Once he was established as a force to be reckoned with in the west, Julian revolted against Constantius II in 360 after the Emperor ordered half the Gallic army redeployed to the eastern frontier.
(review, feed)
Burqas and Bans: Freedom or Oppression?
The outspoken and controversial women's rights activist Farzana Hassan explores whether the niqab, the face-covering veil traditionally worn by Islamic women, is a symbol of religious expression or a tool of oppression. IDEAS recorded her delivering the 2011 UBC/Laurier Institution Multiculturalism Lecture in Vancouver.
(review, feed)
Wanhoffs Wunderbare Welt der Wissenschaft
Reise ins Innere des Körpers
Kernporenkomplex nachgebaut; Fett in Zucker umwandeln; Trauma Weltkrieg; Eucono Neuronen spielen Rolle bei Selbstmord
(review, feed)
Het Marathoninterview
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
In Amerika zal de brief aan haar ongeboren kind waarschijnlijk in oktober 2011 bezorgd kunnen worden. Ayaan Hirsi Ali heeft verteld dat ze moeder wordt in het werelddeel, waar ze hals over kop naar vertrok in 2006 toen de Nederlandse politiek haar de strot uitkwam. Djoeke Veeninga sprak tweede kerstdag 2003 met Ayaan toen ze nog in de Tweede Kamer zat voor de VVD.
(review, feed)
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