Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wise Counsel -- podcast

Dr. David van Nuys whom we also know from Shrink Rap Radio, meets us again in another psychology podcast. Under the wings of 'Mental Help Net', he brings an interview podcast called ' Wise Counsel'. The podcast is similar to Shrinkrapradio in that Dr. Dave, in the familiar conversational style, conducts an interview with an expert, but so far, the six Wise Counsels seem to have a slightly more stringent formula. The interviewed experts are strictly from the field of applied psychology, mostly clinical psychology and the interviews have a direct connection with the mission of Mental Help Net: "The Mental Help Net website exists to promote mental health and wellness education and advocacy." In addition, there are no jazzy Dr. Dave promos and talkbacks with the audience through their emails and voice clips.
So if you are a listener to Shrink Rap Radio and tend to tune out as soon as the interview is over, this is just more of the same. The same being, a high quality, informative podcast, albeit slightly less entertaining.
The interviews thus far have been with:
  • John Drimmer Psy.D. on Positive Psychology
  • Jeffrey Young, Ph.D. on Schema Therapy
  • Marsha Temlock, MA on Adult Child Divorce
  • Steven C. Hayes, Ph.D. on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Timothy Kowalski on Asperger's Disorder
  • Jeff Bernstein, Ph.D. on defiant children
  • Anita Remig, Ed.D. on Child Development

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