Greg Myre and Jennifer Griffin, “This Burning Land: Lessons from the Front Lines of the Transformed Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”
In their new book, This Burning Land: Lessons from the Front Lines of the Transformed Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011), the husband and wife team of Greg Myre and Jennifer Griffin recount their experiences working as reporters in Jerusalem during the eventful last decade. Myre, the editor of NPR’s “Morning Edition,” and his wife Griffin, Pentagon Correspondent at Fox News, tell gripping stories from individuals involved in the conflict, as well as from their own struggles in raising a young family in the midst of bus bombings and terror attacks. In our interview, we talk about Ariel Sharon’s affinity for Pringles, openly bringing automatic weapons into banks, and kidnappers who let their victims hold their weapons. Read all about it, and more, in Myre and Griffin’s engaging new book.
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Het Marathoninterview
Henk Vonhoff, VVD-politicus
VVD-coryfee Henk Vonhoff is vorige zomer overleden. Hij was een echte ouderwetse VVD-er: liberaal, deftig met een karakteristiek stemgeluid en mooie volzinnen boezemde hij ontzag in totdat het hufterdom de macht greep. Op 12 juli 2002 was hij al gepensioneerd, maar noch immer imposant en nog niet teleurgesteld door Trotse Rita.
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